MCA, M.Ed Exams Boycotted

26/12/2010 23:23

 27th Dec, 2010: MCA and M-Ed students belonging to the colleges affiliated to the Osmania University, staged a rally on Monday, after boycotting the ongoing examinations, demanding lifting of police cases filed against them during the pro-Telangana agitations.



Some of the students also tore up their hall-tickets, expressing their anger against the government for going ahead with the examinations.

Attendance at the examination centres was thin, with about 125 students taking the tests from the 340 candidates who were originally supposed to be present, at the Wesley College in Secunderabad. Students at the Women's College at Koti also followed the call given by the Telangana Students Joint Action Committee.

The protesting students lashed out against the government, saying that it was conducting the MCA examinations forcibly and at "gunpoint".

The protesting students also vented their anger at OU Vice-Chancellor Tirupati Rao, by raising slogans against him. Prof. Tirupati Rao had, earlier, rejected calls for the postponement of the examinations, and had said that they would go ahead as scheduled.

Reports coming in suggest that the TS-JAC boycott call was met with success across the Telangana region.

The state government had, earlier in the day, ordered the deployment of additional forces at the examination centers in sensitive areas to ward off any impromptu protest by the students, and to maintain law and order, keeping in view the warning issued by the TS-JAC.



Students of Devid memorial students have given their hands for the support of OU JAC


                 Thank You

                           ---  Royal MCA's


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